Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Small World or Space Mountain?

Have you ever been betrayed so deeply that you're not even sure what hit you? So blindsided by someone's actions that you're stunned you didn't see it coming? It's been a long time since that happened to me, but it just did.  

I was lied to. I was mislead. I was promised a future and it was ripped away. He fooled us all - my family, my kids, even his kids. He told me he loved me, talked about what our future would look like, sent me photos of engagement rings, said I was his "twin flame". He encouraged me to trust him. To open up to him. To believe that what we had was real. Then he left me for his ex-girlfriend. 

I am stunned. My family is stunned. None of us can believe it but I assure you it's true. It's a level of deception that is so shocking to me. He tried to spin it in a way that implied I misunderstood his intentions. He tried to tell me that my life was "too much" for him and that he didn't see how it could work. He chose the safe and easy route because that's all he's capable of. He walked away from something that could have been wonderful, loving and amazing. He was afraid to try for something next level because there was no guarantee it would work. He couldn't understand that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that was worth the risk.

So what now? Do I wish him pain? Sadness? Regret? In my weaker moments, yes. In my calmer moments I feel sad for him. He may not regret it now but he will at some point. He will regret giving up on us. He will always wonder what could have been. 

As for me, I will survive. I will share my love with someone who is worthy and good. Someone who is trustworthy and brave. Someone who knows that a deeper level of love is not only possible but attainable. Someone who isn't afraid to believe in me and everything that I am. 

He will spend his life on the "Small World" ride instead of "Space Mountain". "Small World" is calm, simple and slow, but if you stay on it long enough, it will drive you crazy.  For some people, that's enough. 

1 comment:

  1. Well written Julie, you captured the whirlwind experience perfectly. The ending was so abrupt, like a gut punch coming out of nowhere.


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