Monday, October 10, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Honey

I just love honey. Don't you? SO yummy, so tasty, so natural. So you'd think, with my fondness for the sweetner, that I'd be elated when Joe announced that we now have honey coming through our walls. Not so much.

We have had a hive of honey bees living in the far wall of our house for about 4 years now. The hive is thriving and we've already seen it "swarm" twice. Swarming is what happens when the hive gets too full and a new queen is born. She leaves the hive with a bunch of other bees and they go off to find their own new location. The bees are always very busy and industrious. Lots of activity.

With the news of "Colony Collapse Disorder" all over the world I just haven't had the heart to kill the bees what with them doing so well and all. But honey coming through the walls is kind of another matter altogether, isn't it? I mean really, where do you draw the line with something like that? I've been a gracious host, I haven't harassed them and I've never asked them to leave but this is too much.

I sat here this evening, staring at the window frame and watching the VERY slow drip of honey onto the window sill. It is moments like this that make a person. I could have chosen to have some sort of a sugar induced breakdown but instead I decided to just put a bowl under it.

1 comment:

  1. Your own observation hive, and while you are at it, don't forget to invite Pooh bear and Eeyore! (: That, my dear friend, is true eco-living that no magazine article could top!


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