I was the coach for Zoe's softball team a few years back. Not only was I NOT qualified but she didn't even want to be there. She spent the majority of the time drinking copious amounts of Gatorade and waiting in line for the Porta Potty. She wasn't so into all the softball related stuff - throwing, catching, batting, etc. I think she really liked the t-shirts though.
The other day we went to a baseball game. My sister's kids (three boys) are SUPER sporty. They play every sport known to man and they're good at all of them. We went to watch the oldest one's baseball game and to cheer him on. It was a beautiful day - sunny and clear. We brought camp chairs and sat down to watch the game. The boys were all 5th and 6th graders so I asked Zoe if she knew any of them. She said, "I know the one in the middle". I looked at the field and looked back at her.
"The one in the middle? You mean the pitcher??" That's it. This family is going to sport up starting NOW.
My boys are always available to "sport" ya'll up!