It's summertiiime and the chip clips are miiissing...
It's summertime. The kids are home all day. The dishes are piling up. The rest of the house is trashed. The cats are looking skittish and I can't find the dog food (40 lb bag I bought yesterday). I shop for groceries every day to feed the hordes of teenagers that roam through each night. The kids come and go all. day. long. Wet bathing suits are strewn about the house and there isn't a dry beach towel to be found. The front door never really closes and someone set up a tent in the yard - 3 weeks ago. I have no idea how many kids are actually living here but, if the rapid rate of toilet paper usage is any indication, there's a lot.
And then there's the issue of the chip clips.
I spend a lot of time, each day looking for chip clips. My search is always more frantic in the summer because the humidity makes chips go stale within like 30 seconds of opening the bag. Yet the kids leave the bags, unopened, all over the house. On my daily travels throughout the house I'm destined to find at least one open bag laying around somewhere. So I dutifully pick up said bag and walk to the kitchen for a chip clip. I begin the search. It does not go well. I cannot find a single chip clip anywhere in the kitchen or pantry. How is that possible? I buy them at yard sales, the dollar store and sometimes even the office supply store. I stash them everywhere preparing for some sort of chip clip apocalypse but, when the time comes, they're gone. Just GONE. So then I begin to scavenge for a pony tail holder or even a super sturdy paperclip. Nothing. I go to my office where I keep all the office supplies but all I can find are the tiniest clips that can only hold one piece of paper. (Why do they even make those?) Screw it. They’re all gone and I’m tired. I head back to the kitchen and do the "roll and tuck" method on each bag. Roll ‘em up, tuck ‘em close together and hope it holds. Fall cannot come soon enough.
When these kids head off to start their lives (or at least back to school) I will have an entire drawer dedicated only to chip clips. I swear, I will never go chip clip (less) again!
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