Ah the first day of school. Excitement is high, parents are relieved and everyone is packed and ready to go. Zoe took the time to lay out her outfit the night before the first day of school. She had the shirt, the pants, the socks, the shoes and even the hair accessories. Max simply shoved a pair of shorts in my face and said, “Do these stink?”
In the morning all was going according to plan until… I heard a shriek coming from the bathroom and instinctively ran towards it thinking that someone was hurt. Upon entering the bathroom I found Zoe, near tears, staring at her shirt. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Don’t you see it??” she asked, incredulous.
“See what, sweetie?”
“My shirt!!! It has a spot on it!” She was creeping ever closer to hysteria at this point so I leaned in to take a closer look at the nefarious spot that was threatening to ruin our day.
“Honey? Sweetie? It looks kind of like a water spot to me.”
“I know” she cried, “what am I going to do??”
“Ummm, well, just throwing this out there, but we could dry it.”
“Why bother?? It’s ruined!!” and she stomped off to change her shirt.
Ok, wow. You’d think that someone had covered the kid from head to toe in boiling acid. She freaked out over a WATER spot? Are you kidding me?? I’ve left the house with far worse spots than that and haven’t given it a second thought.
Today we had a clothing issue (which actually began last night and continued this morning) about which shoes would be most appropriate with the outfit that she had laid out for the day. Down to the shoelaces - “Sparkly or purple, which do you think looks better?” OMG
By contrast, Max came home wearing his shirt inside out the other day. When I asked why his shirt was inside out he said, “Oh, I had to wear it for gym class and it got kind of sweaty so I just flipped it.” That’s my boy.
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