Here's the thing about Jeff. I’m completely thrown by him, which never happens to me. We knew each other in college and he asked me out numerous times. I always said no. The last time I turned him down he asked another girl out, then married her. For 25 years. And two kids. Here’s the really weird part. Coming back together with him now, it feels like coming home. We just “fit” together. We can talk for hours and hours and never run out of things to say. It's like my soul recognizes something in his soul that I’ve never really felt before. It feels like he knew it back then (in college) but I didn’t. And now that I feel it, I feel guilty that I didn’t/couldn’t recognize it back then. He loved me for all of those years. Thought of me, tried to find me, dreamed of me. And I thought of him too. When I’m with him I feel safe, loved and adored. When he looks into my eyes it’s like he’s looking into my soul. He reads my thoughts and knows what I’m thinking, even when I try to hide it. He’s smart and well spoken. He anticipates my needs. He is well rounded. He's worked as a firefighter for 18 years and has his life together. He’s a great dad and is very supportive of and involved with his kids.
He’s kind of dorky too, in a sweet way. Eagle scout, chess club, non-sporty. He’s loving and supportive. Caring and helpful. He came over the other night and I told him I was making tacos. He immediately said he would stop at the store and pick up anything I needed. He showed up with everything I asked for AND a dozen roses! Such a simple thing but it made me swoon.
It’s the strangest feeling - like I’ve finally found this thing I’ve been looking for all my life. This closeness, this soul connection, this knowing feeling. My head is spinning. It's exciting and terrifying and absolutely wonderful.