The kids are still mad at me and I can't say that I blame them. My cheapness caused them shame and embarrassment. But. In my defense, I thought there were some regulations or something that would prevent this type of thing. I think I was mistaken.
I took the kids to a rather well known chain establishment for haircuts the other day. Yes, I did it because it's cheap. No, I did not do it to intentionally ruin their lives. Really.
I mean, let's be honest. The finer salons are clearly not beating down the doors of these particular stylists. Still, they're not just someone off the street right? I mean there had to be SOME schooling involved, didn't there? How hard can it be? It's not like a kids' haircut has all kinds of angles, layers and special maneuvers. Just follow the lines from before. Just a trim. Just "clean it up a bit". O.M.G.
I actually felt bad when the kids returned to me from the chairs. Really bad. Max had some weird "rooster tail" piece of hair that bobbed around when he walked. His bangs were uneven and he had red scrapes on his neck.
Zoe looked like the stylist had used a weed whip. I still can't quite figure out what she did to make it so bad. I mean seriously, I just asked for a trim. Nothing fancy. No layers, just a straight trim. It looked like the stylist (and I now use that term loosely) may have used dull pinking shears. Zoe looked like she was going to cry.
Some of you may ask why I didn't ask the stylists to fix their mistakes. Well, I had a couple of thoughts about that. It could be that the stylist would be offended and, out of spite, make it worse (if that's even possible). Or, it could be that their skills are so awfully bad that trying to correct it would not only be impossible, it would be catastrophic. I decided that I would just pay for it and get the heck out of there. I swear to you that I clutched the children to me and backed towards the door.
So, you're probably wondering if I've learned my lesson. Have I learned that you get what you pay for? You'd like to think so. Not sure that I have. Budgets aren't for sissies.