Friday, July 19, 2013


(This is kind of how I looked but I would never wear those shoes)

As many of you know, I'm a bit of a DIYer  when it comes to my home. I'm always painting or redoing something. Plus, I'm always on the look out for something to add to the house. Craigslist, picking up stuff at the side of the road, whatever, I'm all over it. Today, that got me into some trouble.

My sisters are always yelling at me about getting stuff off Craigslist by myself. "You could be KILLED", "Remember the Craigslist killer?", "What if it's some psycho luring you to your death?"  Whatever, I got a great TV and TV stand for $30 just a few weeks ago (WHOLE story about that one later...).

Anyway, on my way to work today I was driving down Miller Road and saw a table on the side of the road. Truth be told, it was more of a work bench, but the top was FANTASTIC and I just had to have it. I pulled over, laid down the seats in the car, turned on my hazard lights and popped the trunk.

The table was in two parts - the top separate from the bottom - so I thought I'd get the top part in first. Hmmm, kind of heavy. Like REALLY heavy. Still, I consider myself to be quite strong and robust so I thought I'd give it a go. I lifted it ever so slightly, just enough to get the tips of my shoes under the bottom of it and then the whole scene went to hell.

As if in slow motion, the table came towards me and I was forced to the ground. Pinned under this beast of a table (that I still desperately wanted), I had no idea what to do. My head was actually laying in the gravel at the side of the road as I alternately struggled to free myself and jerked my head around to make sure that no one was witnessing this.

After a few minutes I actually considered that I might have to flag down a passing motorist to help get me out from under this thing. My pride got the best of me and I gathered my strength for one final push. I was able to slip out of my shoes and shimmy myself free of the table while grabbing the bumper of the car for support.

Mind you, this was all on my way to work, dressed in work clothes. I got up, dusted myself and called my INCREDIBLE nephew Ethan, dragged him out of bed and BEGGED him to go and get it for me. Which he did because he's kind of awesome that way. So now the table is safely in my garage and I can't wait to get started on refinishing it! It's going to be the PERFECT dining room table when it's done. I'll try to get a picture posted soon!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Best. In-Laws. Ever.

My wonderful and amazing in-laws, Dave and Suzie, just returned from a five day trip to Drummond Island with my kids and two other kids as well. As they pulled into the driveway and the kids piled out of the car, Dave and Suzie looked just a little bit dazed and frankly, kind of pale.

Unfortunately, they had stopped at the Ponderosa two hours before arriving home and had "ok'd" the kids accessing the all you can eat, soft serve, ice cream bar. The last two hours of that ride probably took 10 years off their lives and I feel kind of bad about that. Still, I'm awfully grateful that I was NOT in that car.

During the trip up North, I spoke with the kids numerous times. Checking in, catching up, hearing about their day, etc. They were riding bikes, fishing, kayaking, boating and swimming. It's truly a kid's paradise up there.

I couldn't be more grateful for the gift of the kid free time. I love my kids, they are my whole world, but having someone take them off my hands for five days is sometimes exactly what I need. It was wonderful. And I got my kitchen painted. Best. In-Laws. Ever.


I was painting the kitchen last week-end, windows wide open, music blasting, when I heard a disturbance in the yard. The chickens were raising such a fuss. There's always something they're trying to work out amonst the flock but this sounded, I don't know, more FRANTIC. So I went running out the front door and, lo and behold, A CHICKEN HAWK was trying to take one of my hens!!!

He was on top of her trying to dig his enormous talons into her and lift her into the air. Chickens were scattering and running for cover in all directions while this one hen battled for her life.

Have I mentioned that Max has a bad habit of leaving his toys laying around in the yard? I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be Max's baseball bat, and ran into the fray, screaming bloody murder. The hawk, stunned by my sudden and bizarre approach, let go of my hen and flew off. I saw that he flew into a nearby tree so I ran to the tree, shaking my baseball bat at him and yelling threats. Truly, the neighbors are WAY over expecting anything less than me "threatening a tree" these days.

Then I got down on my hands and knees in the front yard to reassure the flock that everything was ok and that they were safe. So the neighbors most likely witnessed me "whispering reassuring words" to the pine trees as well. At least I assume that's what the police report will read.

Still and all, the hawk lost and I won. Plus, I was happy that I was better armed this time. Last time it happened a fox was trying to take a hen and I was armed with only a spatula and an oven mitt.

Julie - 2
Wildlife - 0

Monday, July 1, 2013

One Tough Mudder

Seriously. This is like nothing I've ever seen before. So much mud, fire, water, electrical shocks, walls, logs and more mud. And these people you see above braved it all (minus one who was smart enough to walk around a shock station - not naming names...). They were/are fierce, strong and brave and I am amazed by each and every one. I cannot believe some of the obstacles they endured only to receive an orange headband, a t-shirt and a beer. Oh, and well deserved BRAGGING RIGHTS!

It was such a cool day and such an amazing thing to witness!! The people that participated were so absolutely powerful!! They faced each obstacle as a team and got each other through it all. No one left behind. Ever. That, my friends, is what family is all about. My cousin Jesse is quite a veteran of these events - I believe he's done five of them already including the "Worlds Toughest Mudder". He led his team with such grace, support, kindness and fun. I swear to you that he looked like he was on a walk through the park the entire time.  

It was so great to be able to spend time with my "California" family who we just don't get to see enough. To be surrounded by love and fun and joy was the absolute best way to spend my week-end.

I would have posted some video as well but, well, there were some issues. First of all, I had never used the camera before so, apparently, I didn't know when I was turning if off or on. Lots of nice footage of my shirt, my shoes and the inside of my snack bag. Secondly, in hindsight, I probably should have muted the sound when I was taping them crawling on their bellies through muddy water while electrical shocks zapped their backs. Little bit of strong language that will most definetely require some editing.

Lastly, while being the primary videographer, I was also responsible for FIVE children. Max, Zoe, Lucy, Jack and Sam. I was also hauling along about twelve pounds of snacks and water, bug spray, sunscreen, ipods, phones, cameras, and extra clothes. Most of the snacks had been eaten within the first hour of the race (which lasted 5 hours). Sam was covered in mud from head to toe at the beginning of the first obstacle. I lost track of him at least four times. Jack was in tears from a wrestling injury which I did not witness due to filming so I couldn't even place the proper blame on the offender. Zoe was starving and upset that her pants got wet from the grass. Lucy was thirsty and kept asking "Can Zoe and I have a sleep-over tonight?" Two hours into it they were pretty much done. We made our way back to the finish line where I had to buy them each $5 nachos and $5 lemonades (Thank you Mom and Sue) just to keep them from completely falling apart. They were exhausted, sunburned, muddy and crabby. Then we had to do the 1/2 mile trek just to get back to the car. Whew.

I did get some decent footage, just not what I had THOUGHT I was getting. More importantly, I returned to the finish line with the five original children I started out with and they were all alive. I consider that to be a pretty good ending to the day. 

I've Got You